Stay Safe in a Parking Garage

A woman was beaten and robbed  Tuesday night (April 5) in an East-end Toronto underground parking garage.

Although this type of violent crime happens infrequently in Canadian communities, anyone who uses parking garages or lots is vulnerable.

Car in Underground Parking


Parking garages can be scary places, especially at night when there are few people around.

Reduce your risk of becoming a victim of violence or robbery by taking a few precautions.


  • Be aware of what is happening near you, and trust your instincts.  If something does not feel right, drive your vehicle out of the parking garage immediately.
  • Know where the exits are located;  if possible park near an exit.
  • If approached by a stranger while parking, stay inside your vehicle with the doors locked until you are certain this person is not a threat.
  • When you leave your vehicle, close all windows and lock the doors.
  • Have your keys ready when returning to your vehicle, so you can quickly unlock the doors.
  • Before getting in, look through the windows to see if anyone is hiding inside.

If You See Something — Say Something

Help keep parking garages safe for everyone.  If you see something suspicious, tell Building Management or Security about your concerns.

Call 911 if there is an immediate danger to you or others.

Burnt out lights, broken pavement, or other obstacles can pose a danger to people using the parking garage.  Report these to Building Management or Security as soon as possible.