Snowmobile Safety in the Back Country

Snowmobile upside down in the bottom of a creekI went on a back country snowmobile trip with friends this weekend.

Although safety is always top of mind when we are sledding deep in the woods far from help, sometimes things go wrong.




A slip off the trail resulted in one of our sleds overturning into the bottom of a fast-flowing, icy creek.  Ouch!


Fortunately, no one was hurt but it took us two hours to get the sled out of the creek and back onto the trail.  By then, it was dark and we were shivering from the cold.


The incident was a harsh reminder about safety when snowmobiling:

  • Know your equipment
  • Know where you are going
  • Never snowmobile alone
  • Be prepared for mishaps — carry a first aid kit, fire-making materials, strong rope, emergency food and water


For more great snowmobile safety tips, check out Aviva Canada’s website.


All’s well that ends well.  We made it home safely, albeit soggy and weary from our sled-venture.

A snowmobile adventure to the back country


Snowmobiling is an awesome outdoor winter sport.  With a few safety precautions, a good snowmobile and a ready kit of emergency supplies, you can enjoy an unforgettable day in the Canadian woods.