Keep Kids Safe from Fast-moving Spring Waters

Spring is here, and with it comes an increased safety risk for children and young adults.



Rivers and creeks are filling with fast-flowing cold waters.

Creek and river banks are muddy and slippery. Children can easily slip and fall into dangerous currents.



Thin ice on ponds or lakesLakes and ponds are thawing rapidly, leaving dangerously thin ice.


Tragically, each year children and young adults drown because they fall into unsafe waters caused by the Spring thaw.


If your children walk or play near water, now is a good time to have a talk with them about water safety.


5 Things You Should Say to Your Kids About Spring Water Safety

  • Creeks, rivers, and water-filled ditches are very dangerous this time of year, with deep, cold water and slippery banks.  Stay away from these places.


  • The ice on lakes and ponds may look safe but it is melting from underneath and may be too thin to support a person. Don’t go out onto ice-covered water.


  • Dams, culverts  and bridges are extremely unsafe due to strong water currents and undertows.  Don’t play or explore near these structures.


  • When playing or walking near water, always go with a friend so someone is nearby if you fall in.


  • If you fall into water, call loudly for help.  If another person falls in, get help from an adult as quickly as possible.  If you have a cell phone, call 911.


To learn more about water safety and drowning prevention, visit Canadian Red Cross and Parachute websites.