Take Safety Home

Take Safety Home is an innovative workplace safety program that empowers employees to stay safe wherever they are.  Statistics show that 9 out of 10 injury-related fatalities in Canada and two-thirds of serious injuries happen to employees at times when they are off-the-job – e.g.  in their homes and automobiles, or while taking part in sports or other leisure activities.

Even though these serious injuries or deaths occur elsewhere, they can have a serious impact on the employee’s place of work — resulting in costs to the business through absenteeism, higher health care premiums, reduced productivity and unscheduled work interruptions.

Take Safety Home is a cost-efficient package of educational and support services to provide employees with knowledge, skills and motivation to stay safe 24-7.

Topics covered include the most frequent causes of injury employees experience away from their workplaces.

Workshops / Webinars

Introductory Presentations

  • Take Safety Home – an interactive discussion about the most common types of off-the-job injuries, with the top 5 things employees can do to minimize their risk of being hurt or killed in a preventable injury.  Also covers safety for their family members.
  • Who Ya Gonna Call? – a description of the injury prevention resources available in your community and how to access them.  Police, fire, health, emergency preparedness, first aid training and other safety resources are accessible to families at minimal or no cost.  Handouts include contact information for these vital local safety resources.

Preventable Injury Topics

Traffic Collisions   Approximately 8% of visits to hospital emergency wards and 15% of injury-related deaths in Canada result from transportation incidents.

  • Watch Out For the Other Guy – a defensive driving presentation that focuses on the risks drivers face from other drivers (i.e. red-light running, speeding, dangerous driving, road rage and other situations that could result in a collision). This presentation teaches drivers and pedestrians how to minimize their risk at intersections and other places where collisions most often occur.

Falls Approximately 30% of visits to hospital emergency wards in Canada and 24% of injury-related deaths in Canada result from falls.

  • What Was I Thinking? –  An interactive presentation about common falling injuries due to inattention or carelessness (i.e. from ladders, trees, stairs, roofs, etc.) and how to avoid making these mistakes.  An overview of common safety equipment and where it can be purchased or rented.
  • Home Safe Home – a workshop to identify potential tripping hazards in your home (with emphasis on seniors and young children). Tips on how to safeguard your home.

Emergencies Approximately 53% of visits to hospital emergency wards and 11% of injury-related deaths in Canada result from unintentional injuries such as being struck by objects, broken glass, animal bites, choking on food, electrical shocks, lightning, etc.

  • 8 Hours You’ll Never Get Back – a presentation about the most common injuries that result in a visit to the hospital emergency ward, and how to avoid making these mistakes. Topics cover tool safety, kitchen fires, home invasions,
  • Every Breath You Take – a presentation about common choking hazards and hands-on training for ‘compressions-only’ CPR.
  • Are You Ready? – An interactive workshop to help families be prepared in the event a natural or manmade disaster causes them to evacuate their home or neighbourhood.

Violence Approximately 3% of visits to hospital emergency wards and 3% of injury-related deaths in Canada result from violence.

  • Its Not Okay – an anti-bullying workshop on how to keep kids safe from emotional, physical and cyber-bullying.
  • Be Safe & Feel Safe –a personal safety workshop for women covering situations where they could be at risk from violence’ tips on how to minimize their risk.

Fires  Approximately 1% of visits to hospital emergency wards and 1.5% of injury-related deaths in Canada result from fires in the home.

  • An Alarming Choice – A description of the various smoke and carbon monoxide alarms on the market;  how to choose the best ones for your home and tips on where to install them.
  • The Great Escape – a training session about the leading causes of house fires, with instructions on how to develop a home evacuation plan.

Other Services

See You Monday  – a quarterly electronic publication sent directly to employees, covering common and seasonal hazards or safety concerns that employees may encounter off-the-job, with tips on how to avoid getting hurt.

Safety Posters & Literature – information for employees that focus on common and seasonal types of injuries incurred at home or other places away from work.

Alerts – electronic alerts (Twitter and email) to employees to ensure they are aware of immediate hazards.  Tweets will include links to information about product recalls,  dangerous weather or driving conditions, and safety resources available to them.

Safety Blog – regular blog posts covering injury topics and providing safety tips and links to resources to employees.

Annual Safety Fair – organize an event where employees can meet local police, fire and emergency personnel, and learn about the safety programs and resources in their community.

The Incredibles – a family training event that turns families into natural safety teams – looking out for one another;  highly interactive and entertaining for everyone.