Making your Community Safe

We all want to live in a safe community – a place with low crime, responsible drivers, top notch emergency services and a good hospital (just in case).  A ‘safe community’ doesn’t just happen by chance – it takes citizens willing to get involved and work together with police, emergency services and community leaders to create safety programs and services.

Now it’s up to you.

Do you want to make your community a safer place?  It can be as easy as starting a small safety project to creating a community action plan with your community leaders and citizens.  There is lots of ideas and support to help you get started… find one that works best for you.

Understanding The Priorities

All communities experience injuries and injury-related fatalities.

A good first step is to understand what the biggest injury priorities are in your area.  Injury data is collected each year by hospital emergency wards across Canada and these statistics are available for you to view and analyse.

The major leading causes of injury and injury related deaths in Canadian communities include:  traffic collisions, falls, violence, cycling or pedestrian mishaps, and self-harm or suicide.

When you are aware of the kinds of injuries are happening in your community, you can then develop a strategy to address these problems.

Workshops and Webinars

  • Making Your Community Safer for Everyone – Six things you need to know to make it happen

    A wareness
    C itizen engagement
    T echnology
    I mpact
    O pportunity
    N umbers

    How to mobilize citizens, emergency services, schools, businesses, government, Non-Government Organizations (NGO)  and others to work together in a united vision of creating a strong, sustainable safety culture.  Learn the power of collective impact.

  • Safe Neighbourhoods – Neighbourhoods are the building blocks of a community; and a key to creating a safe community is to foster safe neighbourhoods. Learn how to engage citizens to make their neighbourhoods safe, friendly, clean and caring places to live.


Achieving Designation as a National Safe Community  Parachute has an established process for communities to follow to become designated as a national safe community.  We can coach your community safety group to achieve this designation and lower injury levels in your community.