Great Neighbourhoods

“Love Where You Live”

The purpose of this service is empower families and neighbours to make their neighbourhoods safe, friendly, clean and caring places for everyone.

We provide you with knowledge, ideas and links to resources.  You will learn about fantastic projects happening in communities across North America, and together with your neighbours, can adopt these ideas to enhance your own neighbourhood.

A new trend has been emerging throughout the nation where people are starting to realize the power of neighbours working together to enhance their neighbourhoods. If this is something you are interested in doing, we can help you started, then provide you with ongoing ideas to keep you and your neighbours engaged and connected over time.

Do You Want to Live in a Great Neighbourhood?

A great neighbourhood is a place where people feel safe and connected;  neighbours are friendly and look out for one another.  It’s a community that you are proud to live in, and an awesome place for kids to grow up.

There are many reasons for a neighbourhood to be considered great, and on this site you will find excellent examples of projects and events that have brought people together with  a common goal or making their neighbourhood better.

Neighbourhood Tool Kit – Ideas to Make your Neighbourhood Safe

Simple toolkits, events and ideas to get started in your community:

Workshops / Webinars

  1. Getting Started – how to mobilize your neighbourhood into taking action. A 5-step approach that takes a residential area from being simply a collection of disconnected homes to a neighbourhood where people know one another and look out for each other.
  1. Staying Connected – how to use technology and social media to create a neighbourhood communication network where neighbours can share ideas, concerns, events and news.
  1. Finding Help – a presentation about the local resources and community partners that can help you and your neighbours carry out projects and activities to enhance your neighbourhood.
  1. Your Neighbourhood – Your Way – a facilitated visioning session where neighbours can share ideas and concerns, and establish a consensus for what your neighbourhood can be.