Happy Earth Day – Do One Thing Today to Help the Environment

Earth Day – April 22

Earth Day April 22Today is the Earth’s birthday, and a time to celebrate this big, beautiful rock we live on.

If you haven’t planned an activity to recognize Earth Day its not too late.

One idea is to do something that helps the environment while enhancing your neighbourhood.



5 Easy Things You Can Do  on Earth Day

These activities can be done today or anytime in the near future:

Pick up litter and trash that has accumulated in your neighbourhood during the winter.  Invite your neighbours to join in a spring clean-up.  It’s more fun when people work together.


Planting a tree


Plant a tree – seedlings are available at your local plant nurseries.  For an small cost, you can join the worldwide movement to plant 7.8 billion trees by the year 2020.



Join the Call-to-Action for global climate change.  Add your name to the millions already calling for global climate change — sign up today.


Make a commitment to do one or more of the following, starting today:

Stop using disposable plastic

Start composting

Recycle your e-waste

Buy local produce

End junk mail


Donate money to support an environmental cause – there are lots of choices out there.  Pick a charity that is working on everyone’s behalf, and support them with a financial contribution.

Changing the world starts by changing your own little corner of it

Start a conversation with your neighbours about the types of projects and activities you can do together to make your neighbourhood a better, more environmentally friendly place for everyone.

Involve neighbourhood youth in the planning and activities.  They will have some great ideas.


Earth Day was created 46 years ago (1970), after major oil spill damaged the environment.  Today it is celebrated worldwide with a collective mandate to encourage people to be more environmentally conscious and active.



