Don’t Be The Next Pedestrian Fatality: Stay Alert – Be Visible – Make the Safe Choice
At least 300 pedestrians die each year in Canada, with thousands more injured after being struck by a vehicle.
In a single day, 16 pedestrians were struck by vehicles in the Greater Toronto Area last year (Oct 28).
Don’t Assume Drivers Will Do the Right Thing
More often than not, it is the driver of the vehicle who is at fault— not the pedestrian. Drivers might be distracted, or their vision restricted by poor weather or darkness.
One-in-four collisions with pedestrians happen when drivers are turning left, and a further 17% with drivers turning right– even when pedestrians have the right of way.
You probably don’t want to be ‘dead right’ so here are some things you can do to stay safe while walking near traffic.
Minimize Your Risk of Being Hit by a Vehicle
- Stay alert to what is happening around you – at any given time, it is estimated 1 in 20 Canadian drivers are talking or texting on their phones while driving.
You can’t stop drivers from using their phones, but you can be prepared. Adopt the mindset that drivers might not stop for red lights or cross walks – be absolutely certain it is safe before stepping from the curb onto the street.
- Be visible to drivers– Most pedestrian fatalities happen at night.
From November to April each year, drivers are often travelling in the dark when going to and from work. Many of them haven’t adjusted to night-time driving conditions, and you may be invisible to them.
Wearing bright outerwear or using reflective strips or wearable led lights on your jacket makes you more visible.
- Make the safe choice – Don’t take unnecessary chances to save a few moments.
Too often pedestrians bolt across busy streets to catch their bus, or jaywalk instead of walking to the crosswalk.
- Ask yourself, “Is it worth it?” before taking this kind of risk.