Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job


April 28 is the National Day of Mourning

Today is National Day of Mourning, dedicated to remembering those who have lost their lives, or suffered injury or illness on the job or due to a work-related tragedy.


Each year in Canada, hundreds of people lose their lives while working at their jobs.  Thousands more are seriously injured at work, or are impacted by work-related illnesses.

My thoughts today are about my daughter who nearly lost her life in a workplace accident a number of years ago.  She was a young woman, starting a new job at a large department store in Vancouver when it happened.

Her supervisor asked her to get Christmas decorations from an upstairs storage area.  Unfortunately someone had placed the decorations in an unsafe area, and when she stepped out to retrieve them, she fell 14 feet onto a cement floor below.  She suffered a serious head injury and spent many pain-filled days in the intensive care unit of a local hospital.

It took her more than 2 years to fully recover from her injuries.

On this special day of recognition, I am also expressing thanks that my daughter made a full recovery, went on to marry a great guy and now has two beautiful little girls of her own..


Mourn fot the Dead - Fight for the LivingPlease take a moment today to remember people you know who have been hurt or killed in the workplace.

Take another moment to think about ways you can be safer in your workplace, and keep others safe from injury or illness.



Your Life is Valuable… Don’t Leave Work Without It